Sunday, November 11, 2012

Time for the Temple

As part of involving The Lord every day we set a date on the calendar... The same each month and decided that is temple day.  We were so good about going when the temple was far away.  For 2 years we would plan ahead to make the 3 hour drive to Logan or the drive to Boise EVERY month.  But as soon as the temple was built here we got lazy.

When our Thursday rolled around I almost scratched it since it was such a crazy day... But in the end we went.  EVERYTHING went wrong... Including james showing up in a plaid shirt and jeans thinking I was bringing his church clothes... And me forgetting to change my shoes before heading out the door and wearing house slippers.  (Luckily it was a long dress)  but we made it and they seemed happy to have us there. And I'm soooo glad we did!

I remember when I went through for the first time, it was the old way of doing the initiatory... Which I miss by the way.  The promises are so sweet.  I remember as they bessed me that I would be fruitful etc. that I had this overwhelming feeling of peace and confirmation that I WOULD bear children and be a mother. And as I went through the initiatory again for someone else, carrying another sweet, hard fought for spirit inside of me, I remembered that feeling and the peace I had felt then.  I felt such overwhelming gratitude to a loving father in heaven.  He didn't have to give me that moment of reassurance. He could have left me to my faith and tested me even further than I have been.

If I had let my day get in the way and not gone to the temple that night, I wouldn't have had that experience.  I love you and hope you can make the time too!  There are so many special experiences waiting for us all.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I loved this blog. I couldn't help but smile thinking of you showing up at the temple in your slippers. The temple truly is a place of tender mercies and the Lord's love. The workers are so sweet. I can tell that they always try to make the initiatory so special. I also love to hear those promises. When Dodie and Viga were sealed on Saturday, I decided that since I was going all the way to LA I might as well make it worth the trip and include a session. I made it just in time. The worker that was on our session and I kept smiling at each other throughout the session. At the end when she sent me to the veil, she whispered in my ear "We saved the best for last." What a sweet thing to say. It made me happy, I needed to hear an encouraging word. I also thought about how, for so many years, the LA temple was our temple. When we lived in San Diego we took the bus up and all the driving through LA traffic before the San Diego or Newport temples were built. It kind of felt like coming home as I remembered so many special experiences we had there, including your endowment. Thanks for writing about the temple. I'm glad you are making the effort despite the challenges that come when making temple attendance a priority.
