Thursday, October 25, 2012

My First Blog!

Hello, my wonderful women!

This is my first blog.  I have enjoyed reading all of your blogs in the past and am amazed by your creativity and talent.  As I said in my Facebook message, I am hoping this blog can be a place where we can encourage each other and become closer as women.

You all know about my friend, Jill Worley.  Since she was basically forced to retire, we are walking together every day.  It amazes me that every day we always have things to talk about!  Another thing about Jill is that she is very talented and creative, loves to have parties and do fun things.  Jill decided to do a "Free" Craft Day at her house. 

For the craft, she used some wood we salvaged from our dumpsters and the neighborhood.  You should have seen us over by where the Pinklemans used to live trying to tear apart a dresser that had been left by the curb and loading the wood into Jill's car.  She gave me a drill but I didn't really know how to use it so I resorted to a screwdriver.  As we pulled the wood apart, roaches ran everywhere and I was jumping around like a chicken with its head cut off.  She is trying to figure out what other projects she will make from the wood.  For her having a project to work on or learning something new is essential to her happiness.  She was almost afraid to retire because she was worried she wouldn't be able to find enough things to amuse herself.  I'm glad I'm not like Jill because it sounds like alot of work, lol, but I'm glad I have a "Fun Friend" like Jill.  From my perspective (not sure how Emily feels), by using her talents of wood working and having fun, she created something special for seven women (Me, Emily, Sue Jameson, Billy Raush -- Ursula's mother, Marsha Coover, Elisa Rubio Borman, and Margie -- a new mom with, no phone and no car).  We . . .
  • were able to create a cute Halloween craft
  • had a sense of accomplishment in that we were able to complete the craft . . .  no unfinished project sitting in a box or on a shelf
  • laughed
  • made new new friendships (I heard Marsha and Margie making plans)
  • went away feeling lighter and excited at the possibility of more craft days
Emily made such a cute face on her ghost an pumpkin everyone wanted her to draw the faces on theirs.  It was fun to spend time with Emily crafting.  Little Margie was so happy to be able to get out of the house, do something creative and be with other people.  I took her to Michaels the other day for an outing.  She had never been there and as we circled the store, she started to think of things she could do.  She had her husband take her back to the store (they can borrow his brother's car on the weekends) and she got a scrapbook album and is starting to do a scrapbook for her little baby boy, Dewa.  She said, it is making her happy and excited to create. 

After Chelsea's blog, I'm working on scrapbooks again.  I'm working on the year 2000.  At least I'm in the same millenium now.  It is overwhelming sometimes how far behind I am, but I hope some day I'll finish all of your books.  I guess I'll be working on mine till I die, lol.

I love seeing all the things you are creating from play rooms, to picture frames, to Halloween costumes, to redecorating bedrooms, meals, photographs, a home from a one-bedroom apartment, gardens, outfits and hairstyles.  I remember Pres. Uchdorf's talk a few years ago at the General RS meeting and the video the church produced to go along with it, where he so beautifully expressed the joy that comes from creating.  I'm excited for Chelsea to discover her passion.  It is a discovery we all have to make for ourselves and part of the fun is the process.  Don't be afraid to try new things or to make a mistake.  I'm preaching to the choir as Emily can attest.  When it came to painting the face on my pumpkin and ghost, I was so nervous I would make a mistake and it wouldn't look as good as the sample.  With Emily's encouragement, I got over it and my faces turned out great.  Below is a picture of Emily and I with our finished projects.
I'm also attaching Pres. Uchdorf's video.  It inspires me every time I watch it.  I hope it will inspire you too.


  1. blogging like a pro mom:) I love that picture of you and Emily. It sounds like you had a lot of fun.

  2. You are the original crafter in our family mom! Which is why it always amazes me when you worry about things like that. You are awesome. And I seriously love Jill! I can picture you guys by the dumpster and it makes me giggle. What a great friend!
